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New Bulgarian campaign for BMW - RED Edition
Production: Noble Graphics
Camera: RED Epic, Phantom Miro
Studio Lime is made by group of young artists seeking for more creativity in today’s visual design. Our work is notable with its unique and modern look made without any trade of quality or functionality. We are using the latest technologies in our products. That’s why the transformation of every client’s representation is an interesting and memorable experience for all its audiences.
Our expertise is not limited to a particular area. Throughout the years we enrolled the best specialists at every aspect of the development of professional products. We can work on tasks of any scale and for any audience.
Our approach to every given project is individual. Important part of the work on every project that we start is an in depth analysis of the environment, in that the product will be presented and the pros and cons of all competitors. Having that information is giving us the ability to focus on the product’s usability at a very early stage of its creation.
ALTA drone from Freefly. ALTA is the first multi-rotor to accept a camera on the top of the airframe. Explore a completely new world of filmmaking possibilities with SkyView. Its working perfectly with our new Sony A7S II with internal 5 axis image stabilisation.
The drone is Cinestar 8 from Freefly. Same company like our gimbal Movi. The drone is upgraded in UK so it can fly smooth with ARRI ALEXA MINI and RED EPIC and ultra prime lenses, focus iris motors. With payload up to 7kg we can fly around 8 min. per battery pack. With lighter lenses we can get 10 min. of flying. We have many batteries so we can fly all day.
With twice the torque of the first generation MōVI motors and high resolution encoders, MōVI Pro’s custom designed direct drive brushless motors are up for any challenge. Freefly has tightly integrated the MōVI Pro with RED cameras to allow users to access RED camera controls from hundreds of feet away using either the MōVI Controller or the new MIMIC controller.
Movi m15 for PROFESSIONAL CINEMA PAYLOADS From Alexa M to Sony F55 with Cinema lenses, the MōVI M15 allows you to run with your preferred setup. If your arms can handle the load, so can the M15.
Upgraded Movi m10 and with longer tubes so it can fit longer cameras. The movi is flying on the drone attached on the bottom with quick release system. We need few minutes between different setups so we can remove the drone and the landing gear and continue with handheld movi.
POWERFUL AND ACCURATE Cinematic film making demands rapid setup and a host of camera configurations. The Ronin-MX has been designed to carry many of the cameras used every day on sets worldwide, and SmoothTrack algorithms ensure movements are smooth in every configuration. Designed to resist high G-forces using powerful motors and IMUs, the Ronin-MX is engineered to maintain stability and hold horizon when mounted to an aircraft or a vehicle. Built extensively of lightweight magnesium, the Ronin-MX weighs just 2.77kg.
The Black arm is a 3-axis dampening system with a additional vibration mount for stabilizing roll and tilt errors as well as vertical motion and vibrations. The Black arm is a hardmount system made for gimbals that you want to mount on vehicles such as cars, ATVs, boats, snowmobiles etc.
The most advanced camera movement system is also the most intuitive. With this new MōVI Control method, there are no joysticks, knobs or wheels. Just tilt, pan or roll and the MōVI will follow. Move the MIMIC and the MōVI will follow. It’s so instant and organic that operators can execute complex moving shots with precise framing after just minutes of practice.
Wireless focus with 1.5km range. Best piece from the lighter focuses on the market with lighter motors and receivers so it can fit movi and dron configurations easily.
Armor man exoskeleton lets the operator easily support weights of up to 20kg. The version two Armor Man has been re-designed so that the user can now move their hands away from the mechanical arms when needed. A V-lock or gold mount battery can be mounted to the rear of the vest with power cables that run through the suit to supply the gimbal.
Designed for the rapidly expanding global drone market, CONNEX is a breakthrough transmission solution that makes it easy and affordable for professional drone users to outfit virtually any size and shape aerial drone with long-range full-HD video transmission capabilities with zero latency.
The MōVI Controller has redefined Dual Operator Mode for the MōVI. Control of pan, tilt and roll has never been more intuitive and with the ability to tune and adjust your MōVI’s parameters on the fly, the Controller will change the way you use the MōVI on set.
Стартира изпълнението на проект BG16RFOP002-1.001-0346
"Внедряване на иновативна услуга в креативната индустрия, чрез стабилизираща система за професионално кино заснемане на триизмерни изображения от въздух ”. Договорът, изпълняван от „Студио Лайм“ ЕООД е на обща стойност от 434000 лева, от които 390 600 лева представляват безвъзмездна помощ отпусната по процедура BG16RFOP002-1.001 „Подкрепа за внедряване на иновации в предприятията“ на Оперативна програма „Иновации и конкурентоспособност“ 2014-2020 г. (ОПИК).
Обявена е процедура с предмет „Доставка и пускане в експлоатация на 1 брой стабилизираща система за професионално кино заснемане на триизмерни изображения от въздух”.
Обявена е процедура с предмет „Доставка и пускане в експлоатация на 1 брой стабилизираща система за професионално кино заснемане на триизмерни изображения от въздух”.
Повече информация може да намерите тук
Проект и главна цел: Преодоляване недостига на средства и липсата на
ликвидност, настъпили в резултат от епидемичния взрив от COVID-19 по
договор № BG16RFOP002-2.073-7727-С01
Обща стойност: 10 000,00 лв., от които 8 500,00 лв.
европейско и 1 500,00 лв. национално съфинансиране.
Начало: 11/08/2020
Край: 11/11/2020